High Performance AA/AAA Bantam & Midget
Two High Performance programs are available to AA/AAA players Bantam/Midget (girls & boys) and will run from the first week of April to end of May. Each group will be extremely small 10 skaters and two master instructors at each session will magnify skill development.
Fundamental sessions will run during the evening with Group 1 on mostly Monday's and Wednesday's and Group 2 on Tuesday and Thursday, which will allow for make up sessions between groups if necessary (please refer to schedule below). Both groups will combine for small area games on Saturday evening. Players will only receive jersey's.
Group #1 - $1,499 (24 hrs) - Schedule - WAITLIST
Group #2 - $1,199 (19 hrs) - Schedule - WAITLIST
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
Program Highlights
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness (reaction drills, elastic bands, overspeed)
Receiving and Shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Specialized shooting instruction (quick release, shooting in stride)
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
2 Master Instructors each session : Tim/Svend/Adrian
Elite Bantam/Midget Girls - $999
Program is open to girls who played Midget AAA, Midget & Bantam Elite. This is an elite level camp which is geared towards only serious athletes. Program is designed for players striving for University and ultimately competing for national level teams. Former participants have moved onto University (U of A, U of S, U of C, Darmouth, Mcgill, Penn State) and played for U18 select teams and Team Canada.
Group will consist of 19.5hrs of high impat practice sessions open to ~7 Defenceman, ~10 Forwards and 3 Goalies (free). Players will receive jersey's, however no other apparel will be purchased as focus of program is skill development. Program will run from beginning of April to end of May. Ice times will take place during the weekdays in the evenings, so participants are available to attend showcase camps.
Ice times will consist of two extremely qualified coaches who have all coached and played very high levels of hockey. Lead instructor will be Tim/Svend/Adrian.
The camp will focus on high intensity drills looking to maximum skill development. Players will be lead through high impact multi disciplinary drills with expectation of a high transfer rate to game play and to spark creativity. Specialized instruction will be provided to forwards and defenceman.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness, edges
Flow drills - speed with puck, passing and shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Specialized shooting instruction
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
Instructor: Tim/Svend/Adrian
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
- Forward Sold Out -
- Defenceman Sold Out -
- Goalie Sold Out -
Novice Fundamentals - $699
Program is open to hockey players who played Novice during 2018/2019 season. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May, NO ice May long weekend. Total of 14hrs of ice time with professional instruction and ice times will only take place on the weekends at 9:00-10:00am (no ice may long weekend), schedule below. Almost all the ice times will take place at Rose Kohn. Players will receive jersey's only. - Cancellation Policy -
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - Proper skating posture, stride, edges, crossovers, agility, backwards
Stickhandling - proper stick and body position, 360 degree movement, toe pulls, wide reaching, fast hands
Shooting/Passing - proper stick and body position, balance and weight transfer, loading puck, backhand
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Stations will be utilized to separate players into different skill groups when necessary
3 Instructors per session : Adrian/Svend/Steve/Spencer/Nik
Atom Fundamentals - $699
Program is open to hockey players who played Atom during the 2018/2019 season. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May, NO ice May long weekend. Total of 14hrs of ice time with professional instruction and ice times will only take place on the weekends at 10:15-11:15am (no ice may long weekend), schedule below. Almost all the ice times will take place at Rose Kohn. Players will receive jersey's only. - Cancellation Policy -
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - Proper skating posture, stride, edges, crossovers, agility, backwards
Stickhandling - proper stick and body position, 360 degree movement, toe pulls, wide reaching, fast hands
Shooting/Passing - proper stick and body position, balance and weight transfer, loading puck, backhand
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Stations will be utilized to separate players into different skill groups when necessary
3 Instructors per session : Adrian/Svend/Steve/Spencer/Nik
2012 - $699
Program is open to 2012 hockey players. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May. Ice times will be one during weekday and one on weekend (15hrs). Players will receive jersey's only, however players can purchase additional gear if desired. Group will be limited to 16 skaters. - Cancellation Policy -
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - Proper skating posture, stride, edges, crossovers, agility, backwards
Stickhandling - proper stick and body position, 360 degree movement, toe pulls, wide reaching, fast hands
Shooting/Passing - proper stick and body position, balance and weight transfer, loading puck, backhand
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
1 Instructor : Adrian/Svend/Tim (3-4 parent instructors)
2011 - $699
Program is open to 2011 hockey players who played Novice 1 during 2018/2019. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May. Program will consist of one ice time during weekday and one ice time on weekend (15.25hrs). Players will receive jersey's, however no other team apparel will be provided, however players can purchase additional gear if desired. Group will be limited to 16 skaters.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - Proper skating posture, stride, edges, crossovers, agility, backwards
Stickhandling - proper stick and body position, 360 degree movement, toe pulls, wide reaching, fast hands
Shooting/Passing - proper stick and body position, balance and weight transfer, loading puck, backhand
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
1 Instructor : Svend/Adrian/Tim (3-4 parent instructors)
2010/2009 - $1,499
Program is open to 2010/2009 hockey players who played Major Novice 1 (top of community team) and Atom 1/2 during 2018/2019, if registering a Novice player please contact us first. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May. The program fee includes 25.25 hrs of skill and team fundamentals, 5 exhibition games (7.5hrs). Team will also participate in two tournaments (not included in fee), a third tournament may potentially be added but will be decided by parent group. New players must purchase jersey's and socks (not included in fee), and returning players can use gear from previous year. Group will consist of 5 Defenceman, 9 Forwards and 2 Goalies. 2 practice player spots are available and practice players can only play exhibition and tournament games if a spot is available, practice player fee is $1,099. Instructors only run practice sessions and will not attend tournaments, parents will run bench during tournaments and exhibition games.
Players will be lead through high impact multi disciplinary drills with expectation of a high transfer rate to game play and to spark creativity.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness
Flow drills - speed with puck, passing and shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
1 Instructor : Tim/Svend/Adrian (3-4 parent instructors)
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
- Full time available - SOLD OUT -
- Practice player - SOLD OUT -
2009/2008 - $1,399
Program is open to 2009/2008 hockey players who played Atom 1 during 2018/2019. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May. The program fee includes 25.75 hrs of skill and team fundamentals, 3 hrs of specific game play tactics, 3 exhibition games (4.5hrs). Team will also participate in two tournaments (not included in fee). New players must purchase jersey's and socks, and returning players can use gear from previous year. Group will consist of 6 Defenceman, 9 Forwards and 1 Goalie. 4 practice player spots are available (3 players & 1 goalie) at a reduced price of $1,099. A professional goalie coach will be provided for 10 ice times. Goalie practice player will also attend the specific game play tactics. Practice players can only play exhibition and tournament games if a spot is available. Instructors only run practice sessions and will not attend tournaments, parents will run bench during tournaments and exhibition games.
Players will be lead through high impact multi disciplinary drills with expectation of a high transfer rate to game play and to spark creativity.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness
Flow drills - speed with puck, passing and shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
1 Instructor : Adrian/Tim/Svend (3-4 parent instructors)
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
- Full time spots - SOLD OUT
- Practice spots available - SOLD OUT
2007/2008 - $1,299
Program is open to 2007 hockey players who played Peewee 2 during 2017/2018. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May. The program fee includes 22.5 hrs of skill and team fundamentals, 4 exhibition games (6hrs). Team will also participate in two tournaments (not included in fee). New players must purchase jersey's and socks, and returning players can use gear from previous year. Group will consist of 6 Defenceman, 9 Forwards and 1 Goalie. Practice player spots are available at a reduced fee, 3 players at $999 and 1 goalie $250. Practice players can only play exhibition games if a spot is available. Instructors only run practice sessions and will not attend tournaments, parents will run bench during tournaments and exhibition games.
Players will be lead through high impact multi disciplinary drills with expectation of a high transfer rate to game play and to spark creativity.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness, powerful edges
Flow drills - speed with puck, passing and shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
1 Instructor : Adrian/Tim/Svend (3-4 parent instructors)
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
- Full time spots - SOLD OUT -
- Practice spots - SOLD OUT -
2006/2007 - $1,299
Program is open to 2007/2006 hockey players who played Peewee AA/1 during 2017/2018 season. NO TRYOUTS will take place. Program will run from the first week of April to end of May and will consist of 30hrs of ice. Bodychecking will be a part of program. Group will NOT participate in any tournaments, however plan will be to have 3-5 exhibition games and weekend ice will be used to play games. Players will receive jersey's, however no other team apparel will be provided, however players can purchase additional gear if desired. Group will consist of 6 Defenceman, 10 Forwards and 2 Goalies. Goalies pay a reduced rate of $350 which covers share of ice costs and a goalie coach can be provided or player can bring their own coach to some practices and these costs will be the responsibility of the goalie or goalies. Practice player spots are available at a reduced fee, 1 Defenceman and 1 Forward $999 and 1 goalie $250. Practice players can only play exhibition games if a spot is available.
Players will be lead through high impact multi disciplinary drills with expectation of a high transfer rate to game play and to spark creativity.
Program Highlights - SCHEDULE
Power skating - explosive first step speed, agility and quickness, powerful edges
Flow drills - speed with puck, passing and shooting in stride
Dynamic small area games - game like situations
Advanced stickhandling and scoring fundamentals
Defence specific skating, shooting, body position, gap control, transitions
Introduction to body checking
1 Instructor : Tim/Svend/Adrian (3-4 parent instructors)
$500 nonrefundable deposit is due at registration with balance due before Jan 1, 2019. - Cancellation Policy -
- Full time spots - SOLD OUT -
- Practice player spots Forwards & Defenceman - SOLD OUT -
- Practice spots available - 1 Goalie -